Emma is available to Skype or Zoom or Hangout with elementary schools during the 2020-21 school year. Get in touch! Email: Miranda *at* mirandaandmaude *dot* com
3/5/21 Emma (virtually) participated in Franklin Elementary’s Celebrity Reading week with 3rd graders!
2/3/21 Emma (virtually) celebrated WORLD READ ALOUD DAY in elementary schools in Brooklyn, Maryland, Connecticut, Illinois and Texas.
2/5/20 Emma (virtually) celebrated WORLD READ ALOUD DAY in elementary schools in Illinois, Texas, and New York.
11/16/2019 Emma was at Kid Con New England.
6/15 Emma was at Whitelam Books in Reading, MA
5/22 Emma talked to 4th graders at the Kilton library in West Lebanon, NH.
3/23 Emma was at Gibsons in Concord, NH.
2/27 Emma was at the Bookery in Manchester, NH.
3/3/ Emma was at Belmont Books with Gail Donovan, author most recently of Finchosauraus!
12/15/18 Emma was at Blue Bunny Bookstore in Dedham, MA with Vita Murrow ("Power to the Princess").
10/17 Emma was at the Dunbar Free Library in Grantham, NH.